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Mystic River by Dennis LeHane

Mystic River - Dennis Lehane

God damn. It's currently past 5 in the morning and I've just finished the book. The first thing that hooked me was LeHane's ability to create characters that felt real. I can honestly say that throughout the book, I could relate to most of the characters in one way or another. This with his impeccable writing had me DEVOURING the book. My book is underlined in so many places with passages that I read, re-read and then read once more. His writing is so beautiful and mesmerizing but at the same time raw and honest. I didn't expect a thriller/mystery to have such a delicate and romantic style but I'm in love and I can't wait to pick up another one of his books. 


I'll let the writing speak for itself, here are some of my favorite quotes: 


"A fading hope hung in both her eyes like matching flaws, a neediness that Sean knew rarely attracted any other kind of man but the predatory kind."


"Sean watched the sun begin its decent through the trees, turning the Pen a rusty gold, adding a red glow to the treetops. Sean thinking if he were dead that's one of the things he'd probably miss most, the colors, the way they could come out of nowhere and surprise you, even though they could make you feel slightly sad, too, small, like you didn't belong here."


"Brendan Harris loved Katie Marcus like crazy, loved her like movie love, with an orchestra booming through his blood and flooding his ears. He loved her waking up, going to bed, loved her all day and every second in between."


"...Jimmy felt sadness take root in him, nestle up against his insides as if finding a warm home, and he didn't even try to wish it back out again, because some part of him understood that there was no point."


"Over his mother's shoulder, Jimmy saw his father stumble out of the house, his clothes wrinkled and his face puffy with sleep or booze or both...His mother followed Jimmy's gaze and when she looked back at him, she was worn out again, the smile gone so completely from her face, you'd have been surprised she knew how to make one."


Happy reading! 


""She waited for someone to tell her how to move again.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""At that moment, Dave would have lifted a house for Jimmy, held it up to his chest until Jimmy told him where to put it down.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Sure," Jimmy said, still trying to shake the feeling he'd had since four o' clock yesterday that his true self hovered above his body, treading air with slightly frantic strokes, trying to figure a way back in through his own skin before he got tired from all that flapping and sank like a stone to the black core of the earth."

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""A fading hope hung in both her eyes like matching flaws, a neediness that Sean knew rarely attracted any other kind of man but the predatory kind.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""...where silence was delicate and shattered upon touch.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""They headed down the slope between streams of yellow crime scene tape, and Sean watched the sun begin its decent through the trees, turning the Pen a rusty gold, adding a red glow to the treetops. Sean thinking if he were dead that's one of the things he'd probably miss most, the colors, the way they could come out of nowhere and surprise you, even though they could make you feel slightly sad, too, small, like you didn't belong here.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""You felt in in your soul, no place else. You felt the truth there sometimes---beyond logic---and you were usually right if it was the type of truth that was the exact kind you didn't want to face, weren't sure you could. That's what you tried to ignore, why you went to psychiatrists and spent too long in bars and numbed your brain in front of TV tubes---to hide from hard, ugly truths your soul recognized long before your mind caught up.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Jimmy put his arm around her, pulled her tight, wishing you could freeze moments in your life like snapshots, just stay in them, suspended, until you were ready to come out again, however many hours or days that might take.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Nadine's smile burst whiter than anything her veil or dress or shoes could match, and Jimmy felt it blow through his heart and his eyes and his knees""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Brendan Harris loved Katie Marcus like crazy, loved her like movie love, with an orchestra booming through his blood and flooding his ears. He loved her waking up, going to bed, loved her all day and every second in between.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""He felt marooned by the silence.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""...Jimmy felt sadness take root in him, nestle up against his insides as if finding a warm home, and he didn't even try to wish it back out again, because some part of him understood that there was no point.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Over his mother's shoulder, Jimmy saw his father stumble out of the house, his clothes wrinkled and his face puffy with sleep or booze or both...His mother followed Jimmy's gaze and when she looked back at him, she was worn out again, the smile gone so completely from her face, you'd have been surprised she knew how to make one.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River

""Jimmy looked back over at his wife, and Celeste could feel the tenderest of aches in the look. She could feel another teardrop piece of Jimmy's heart detach and free-fall down the inside of his chest.""

- Dennis LeHane, Mystic River